
已獲批准的帳戶: GBP, USD 每個收款賬戶均有其獨特銀行賬戶詳細資料,您可以從收款賬戶的詳細資料頁面查看和複製這些資料。 您提供這些銀行賬戶詳細資料給您的付款人,他們可以使用這些資料透過銀行轉賬向您付款。請務必查看所有指南,這些指南可能因國家不同而有異。 經收款賬戶發送給您的收款將計入您的Payoneer餘額。於「交易」頁面跟蹤您的收款。 [US] Collection account Approved accounts: GBP, USD Each receiving account has its own unique bank account details, which you can view and copy from the receiving account's details page. You provide these bank account details to your payer, who can use them to pay you via bank transfer. Please be sure to check all guidelines, which may vary from country to country. Payments sent to you via the receiving account will be credited to your Payoneer balance. Track your payments on the Transactions page.