Payoneer provides digital FIRC automatic generation and download service in India

Payoneer Payoneer provides customers with more and more value-added services. Customers can spend less time focusing on tedious tasks and spend more time on developing global business. For example, in India, Payoneer can provide free digital FIRC automatic generation and download services for sellers and service providers who pay worldwide. In this way, customers no longer need to spend time, money and energy, and easily get the comprehensive protection provided by Payoneer!

What is FIRC?

According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI), a digital FIRC (Proof of Foreign Inward Remittance) is a document that can be used as proof of foreign transfers to India. Many authorities use this document as evidence that individuals or businesses have received foreign currency payments from abroad. If you are a seller or service exporter, digital FIRC is an important document.

When you sign up for Payoneer to receive your digital FIRC, you will be able to:

• View all available FIRCs on one page and perform specific searches

• One-click batch download of FIRC

• Get an automatic receipt within 72 hours of bank transfer

• Send your digital FIRC directly to your Payoneer account for free

How does it work?

You will receive your digital FIRC directly in your Payoneer account, completely free, and will be delivered and available for download within 7-15 days** after receiving the payment. No more manual requests, high fees or long waiting times!

Here is how to access your digital FIRC:

1. Register Payoneer

2. Log in to your account and select Events> Reports and Statements

3. View all your digital FIRC in one place

4. Get paid from more than 200 countries and regions

Ready to view all your digital FIRCs? For details, please refer to: Payoneer Report and Statement Center, which can handle Amazon bank statements by yourself!

If you have not registered a Payoneer account, please click [Payoneer discount registration link], apply for Payoneer through this link to get a $25 reward and directly enjoy a 1.2% discount (if you receive a large amount of money, you can contact us to help apply for a lower withdrawal fee rate ): Not only is it free to enter the account, but the full currency cash withdrawal only charges 1.2%, and there is no exchange loss. When you accumulate a collection of 1,000 dollars, you will get a one-time reward of 25 dollars. For details of the registration tutorial, please refer to: How to register a Payoneer card? Payoneer personal account | detailed explanation of the company account registration process!



派安盈Payoneer為客戶提供了越來越多的增值服務,客戶就可以花更少的時間專註於乏味的任務,將更多的時間花在發展全球業務上。比如在印度,Payoneer就可以為全球付款的賣家和服務提供商免費提供數字FIRC自動生成和下載服務。這樣,客戶就可以不再需要花費時間、金錢和精力,輕松獲得Payoneer 提供的全面保障!


根據印度儲備銀行 (RBI) 和印度外匯交易商協會 (FEDAI) 的說法,數字 FIRC(外國匯入匯款證明)是一種文件,可作為向印度進行外國轉賬的證明。許多當局使用此文件作為個人或企業從國外收到外幣付款的證據。如果您是賣家或服務出口商,數字 FIRC 是一份重要的文件。

當您註冊 Payoneer 以接收您的數字 FIRC 時,您將能夠:

在一頁上查看所有可用的 FIRC 並進行特定搜索


在銀行轉帳後 72 小時內獲得自動收據

免費將您的數字 FIRC 直接發送到您的 Payoneer 賬戶


您將在 Payoneer 賬戶中直接收到您的數字 FIRC,完全免費,並且會在收到付款後的 7-15 天內**交付並可供下載。不再需要手動請求、高額費用或漫長的等待時間!

以下是訪問您的數字 FIRC 的方法:

1. 註冊Payoneer

2. 登錄您的帳戶並選擇活動 > 報告與結單

3. 在一個統一位置查看您的所有數字 FIRC

4. 從 200 多個國家和地區獲得報酬

準備好查看您的所有數字 FIRC 了嗎?詳情可以參考:Payoneer報告與結單中心,自助搞定亞馬遜銀行對賬單!




派安盈Payoneer为客户提供了越来越多的增值服务,客户就可以花更少的时间专注于乏味的任务,将更多的时间花在发展全球业务上。比如在印度,Payoneer就可以为全球付款的卖家和服务提供商免费提供数字FIRC自动生成和下载服务。这样,客户就可以不再需要花费时间、金钱和精力,轻松获得Payoneer 提供的全面保障!


根据印度储备银行 (RBI) 和印度外汇交易商协会 (FEDAI) 的说法,数字 FIRC(外国汇入汇款证明)是一种文件,可作为向印度进行外国转账的证明。许多当局使用此文件作为个人或企业从国外收到外币付款的证据。如果您是卖家或服务出口商,数字 FIRC 是一份重要的文件。

当您注册 Payoneer 以接收您的数字 FIRC 时,您将能够:

在一页上查看所有可用的 FIRC 并进行特定搜索


在银行转帐后 72 小时内获得自动收据

免费将您的数字 FIRC 直接发送到您的 Payoneer 账户


您将在 Payoneer 账户中直接收到您的数字 FIRC,完全免费,并且会在收到付款后的 7-15 天内**交付并可供下载。不再需要手动请求、高额费用或漫长的等待时间!

以下是访问您的数字 FIRC 的方法:

1. 注册Payoneer

2. 登录您的帐户并选择活动 > 报告与结单

3. 在一个统一位置查看您的所有数字 FIRC

4. 从 200 多个国家和地区获得报酬

准备好查看您的所有数字 FIRC 了吗?详情可以参考:Payoneer报告与结单中心,自助搞定亚马逊银行对账单!



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